windows XP Oracle DB Control – export data job fails with invalid host username and password

You are a new oracle dba and you recently installed oracle 10g or 11g on your windows xp machine. you started the database control and you wanted to export your database to a export dump file but you got the error message ” invalid host username or password error” .

This error is because windows xp requires some special configuration when you have to run jobs from the oracle db control or oracle enterprise manager.

In summary the operating system user with which you logged in should have the “log on as a batch job privilege” .

Below are the 2 solutions that can solve the error

1st solution

Add new windows user with admin rights.
Now add the new user to the Ora_dba group.
add the ora_dba group to the ‘Log on as a batch job’ worked for me!
Use the new windows user for the windows host credentials.

2nd solution
make sure the operating system user also had the ‘Log on as a batch job’ policy.
go to Control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy ->
under Local Polcies – > User Rights Assignment -> Search for “Log on as a Batch Job” and add the Current User (system user to that group and try)

4.7.13 Setting Credentials for the Job System to Work with Enterprise Manager
Windows systems require that you set the correct credentials for the Jobs system to work properly in Enterprise Manager. By default, the Management Agent service is installed as a LocalSystem user. When submitting jobs, such as stopping or starting the database, the operating system user submitting the job must have the Log on as a batch job privilege enabled.

Perform the following steps to establish that privilege for any operating system user who needs to submit an Enterprise Manager job.

Start the Local Security Policy tool:

Windows 2000: From the Start menu, select Control Panel, Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy.

Windows 2003: From the Start menu, select Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy.

Windows XP: From the Start menu, select Control Panel, Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy.

Windows Vista: From the Start menu, select Programs, Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy.

Under the Security Settings list, expand the list to Local Policies.

Under Local Policies, double-click User Rights Assignment.

Under Policy, search for the Log on as a batch job policy.

If the Management Agent service is installed as any other user (that is, not LocalSystem), then, in addition to granting the Log on as a batch job privilege, you must grant the “Windows service” user the following three privileges:

Act as part of the operating system

Adjust memory quotas for a process (This setting is named Increase memory quotas on Windows 2000.)

Replace a process level token

The service under the “Windows service” user runs at the operating system level.

With each policy, perform the following steps:

Double-click the policy name.

In the Properties dialog box, click Add User or Group.

In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, enter the name of the user (for example, jsmith, administrator, and so on.)

Author: admin