dba_tab_columns low value and high value – advanced performance tuning article

This is an advanced performance tuning article for the new oracle dba explaining about the low value and high value columns found in the dba_tab_columns table/view.
The oracle optimizer uses these columns to guess the number of values that a given predicate/where condition could potentially process.

select column_name, to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_number(low_value)) low, to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_number(high_value)) high

from dba_tab_columns

where table_name = ‘UDNDINNT’

and (column_name = ‘IDND’)

Here is some code to display the HIGH_VALUE/LOW_VALUE columns from USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS which are stored as RAW datatypes.

view source


01 create or replace function display_raw (rawval raw, type varchar2)
02 return varchar2


03 is
04    cn     number;


05    cv     varchar2(32);
06    cd     date;


07    cnv    nvarchar2(32);
08    cr     rowid;


09    cc     char(32);
10 begin


11    if (type = 'NUMBER') then
12       dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cn);


13       return to_char(cn);
14    elsif (type = ‘VARCHAR2’) then


15       dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cv);
16       return to_char(cv);


17    elsif (type = 'DATE') then
18       dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cd);


19       return to_char(cd);
20    elsif (type = ‘NVARCHAR2’) then


21       dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cnv);
22       return to_char(cnv);


23    elsif (type = 'ROWID') then
24       dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cr);


25       return to_char(cnv);
26    elsif (type = ‘CHAR’) then


27       dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cc);
28       return to_char(cc);


29    else
30       return ‘UNKNOWN DATATYPE’;


31    end if;
32 end;


33 /

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01 select
02    a.column_name,


03    display_raw(a.low_value,b.data_type) as low_val,
04    display_raw(a.high_value,b.data_type) as high_val,


05    b.data_type
06 from


07    user_tab_col_statistics a, user_tab_cols b
08 where


09    a.table_name=’FOO’ and
10    a.table_name=b.table_name and


11    a.column_name=b.column_name
12 /
COLUMN_NAME          LOW_VAL          HIGH_VAL         DATA_TYPE
-------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------
ORGANIZATION_ID      00D000000000062  00D300000000tgk  CHAR
UG_ID                00500000000008U  00GD0000000mBda  CHAR
USERS_ID             005000000000063  00G30000000mBcq  CHAR
IS_TRANSITIVE        0                1                CHAR
SUPPRESS_RULES       0                1                CHAR


Decoding high_value and low_value January 3, 2010

Posted by mwidlake in internals, performance.
Tags: data dictionary, performance, SQL

There is an update to this post here>

The table DBA_TAB_COLUMNS holds the LOW_VALUE and HIGH_VALUE for columns. This information is potentially very useful to us, especially as when the CBO looks at a WHERE clause on a column for a given value, the High and Low values for that column are considered. If the value in the WHERE clause is outside the known range, the expected number of values to be found is decreased in proportion to the distance outside the range.

What is not so helpful is that Oracle stores, and displays, the information in an internal raw format. Which is utterly unhelpful to us of course. Why can’t they at least expose the information in a view in a human-readable format? Tsch.

So here is some code on how to decode low_value and high_value. I pulled most of this together a few years back but always struggled to decode the low and high values for dates, until I found this post by Gary Myers.

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01 -- col_stats
02 -- Martin Widlake mdw 21/03/2003


03 -- MDW 11/12/09 enhanced to include more translations of low_value/high_value
04 -- pilfered from Gary Myers blog


05 col owner        form a6 word wrap
06 col table_name   form a15 word wrap


07 col column_name  form a22 word wrap
08 col data_type    form a12


09 col M            form a1
10 col num_vals     form 99999,999


11 col dnsty        form 0.9999
12 col num_nulls    form 99999,999


13 col low_v        form a18
14 col hi_v         form a18


15 col data_type    form a10
16 set lines 110


17 break on owner nodup on table_name nodup
18 spool col_stats.lst


19 select --owner
20 --      ,table_name


21       column_name
22       ,data_type


23       ,decode (nullable,'N','Y','N')  M
24       ,num_distinct num_vals


25       ,num_nulls
26       ,density dnsty


27 ,decode(data_type
28   ,’NUMBER’       ,to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_number(low_value))


29   ,'VARCHAR2'     ,to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(low_value))
30   ,’NVARCHAR2′    ,to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_nvarchar2(low_value))


31   ,'BINARY_DOUBLE',to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_double(low_value))
32   ,’BINARY_FLOAT’ ,to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_float(low_value))


33   ,'DATE',to_char(1780+to_number(substr(low_value,1,2),'XX')
34          +to_number(substr(low_value,3,2),’XX’))||’-‘


35        ||to_number(substr(low_value,5,2),'XX')||'-'
36        ||to_number(substr(low_value,7,2),’XX’)||’ ‘


37        ||(to_number(substr(low_value,9,2),'XX')-1)||':'
38        ||(to_number(substr(low_value,11,2),’XX’)-1)||’:’


39        ||(to_number(substr(low_value,13,2),'XX')-1)
40 ,  low_value


41        ) low_v
42 ,decode(data_type


43   ,'NUMBER'       ,to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_number(high_value))
44   ,’VARCHAR2′     ,to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(high_value))


45   ,'NVARCHAR2'    ,to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_nvarchar2(high_value))
46   ,’BINARY_DOUBLE’,to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_double(high_value))


47   ,'BINARY_FLOAT' ,to_char(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_float(high_value))
48   ,’DATE’,to_char(1780+to_number(substr(high_value,1,2),’XX’)


49          +to_number(substr(high_value,3,2),'XX'))||'-'
50        ||to_number(substr(high_value,5,2),’XX’)||’-‘


51        ||to_number(substr(high_value,7,2),'XX')||' '
52        ||(to_number(substr(high_value,9,2),’XX’)-1)||’:’


53        ||(to_number(substr(high_value,11,2),'XX')-1)||':'
54        ||(to_number(substr(high_value,13,2),’XX’)-1)


55 ,  high_value
56        ) hi_v


57 from dba_tab_columns
58 where owner      like upper(‘&tab_own’)


59 and   table_name like upper(nvl('&tab_name','WHOOPS')||'%')
60 ORDER BY owner,table_name,COLUMN_ID


61 /
62 clear colu


63 spool off
64 clear breaks

Most of the translation is done via the utl_raw.cast_to_datatype functions but no such function is provided for dates, which is where most of us come unstuck. Gary recognised that the data was being stored in hex format, with an offset for the year.

I hope the script helps some of you.
{There are also functions under DBMS_STATS, DBMS_STATS.CONVERT_RAW_VALUES, that can also be called to translate many datatypes}

If anyone knows how to decode timestamps, I’d love to know as it would save me trying to work it out/find it on the Net somewhere. I’ll add it to the post so that there is one place to find all translatations.

Here is a quick output for a test table

view source


01 @col_stats
02 Enter value for tab_own: dwperf


03 old  40: where owner      like upper(‘&tab_own’)
04 new  40: where owner      like upper(‘dwperf’)


05 Enter value for tab_name: ad_sql_exec_p
06 old  41: and   table_name like upper(nvl(‘&tab_name’,’WHOOPS’)||’%’)


07 new  41: and   table_name like upper(nvl(‘ad_sql_exec_p’,’WHOOPS’)||’%’)
08 any key


10 COLUMN_NAME            DATA_TYPE  M   NUM_VALS  NUM_NULLS   DNSTY LOW_V              HI_V


11 ---------------------- ---------- - ---------- ---------- ------- ------------------ ---------------
12 INST_ID                NUMBER     Y          4          0  0.2500 1                  4


13 SQL_ID                 VARCHAR2   Y     87,104          0  0.0000 008d71chrks14      gzw309ttkx862
14 PLAN_HASH_VALUE        NUMBER     Y      1,884          0  0.0005 2646229            4294043874


15 SPC_ID                 NUMBER     N         83          0  0.0120 1076               2269
16 ADDRESS                RAW        N    118,198          0  0.0000 00000003E33123A0   0000001342FF3FF8


17 HASH_VALUE             NUMBER     N     87,104          0  0.0000 2758710            4294676643
18 CREATED_DATE           DATE       N        120          0  0.0083 2009-10-23 8:19:10 2009-12-10 9:19:13


19 LATEST_FIRST_LOAD_TIME DATE       N     11,791          0  0.0001 2009-9-14 11:55:59 2009-12-13 9:33:24
20 TOTAL_LOADS            NUMBER     N         98          0  0.0102 1                  55047


21 TOTAL_PARSE_CALLS      NUMBER     N         92          0  0.0109 0                  2972
22 TOTAL_EXECUTIONS       NUMBER     N        235          0  0.0043 0                  834624


23 TOTAL_ROWS_PROCESSED   NUMBER     N        809          0  0.0012 0                  26946123
24 TOTAL_FETCHES          NUMBER     N        313          0  0.0032 0                  834624


25 TOTAL_BUFFER_GETS      NUMBER     N      3,016          0  0.0003 0                  3355576809
26 TOTAL_DISK_READS       NUMBER     N        985          0  0.0010 0                  28189240


27 TOTAL_DIRECT_WRITES    NUMBER     N         98          0  0.0102 0                  751289
28 TOTAL_SORTS            NUMBER     N        106          0  0.0094 0                  5283


29 TOTAL_CPU_TIME         NUMBER     N     94,401          0  0.0000 1337               12183936207
30 TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME     NUMBER     N    115,203          0  0.0000 1337               139692482086


31 TOTAL_OPTIMIZER_COST   NUMBER     N      1,467          0  0.0007 0                  369740902209315000
32                                                                                      0000000
Author: admin